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Upgrading to 0.14.0

This guide outlines migration instructions for:

  1. Upgrading archives to snapshots
  2. Taking advantage of updates to the generate_schema_name macro
  3. The removal of the --non-destructive flag
  4. Changes to how incremental models are built on Snowflake

Upgrading to Snapshot Blocks

In dbt v0.14.0, archives have been replaced by snapshots. Snapshots accomplish the same goal as archives, but are more powerful and more flexible. For the complete guide on using snapshots, consult the snapshot documentation.

There are a handful of changes to be aware of as you migrate from archives to snapshots:

  • meta column names are now prefixed with dbt_
  • snapshots are specified in .sql files, whereas archives were specified in the dbt_project.yml file

Snapshot column name changes

This tableIn simplest terms, a table is the direct storage of data in rows and columns. Think excel sheet with raw values in each of the cells. shows the differences between the column names produced by dbt archive and dbt snapshot. Note: These new snapshot meta-column names are unquoted. If you're using Snowflake, this means that your snapshot column names will be rendered in upper-case, rather than lower-case.

Archive Column (quoted)Snapshot Column (unquoted)

Migrating archives to snapshots

Migrating archives to snapshots involves two different types of changes to your dbt project:

  1. renaming columns in your existing archive tables
  2. replacing your archive: section in dbt_project.yml file with snapshot blocks

We have provided a migration script in dbt v0.14.0 which accomplishes both of these tasks. This script will:

  1. make a backup of your archive tables
  2. rename columns as specified in the table above
  3. generate snapshot blocks for your existing archives in new .sql files

The provided migration script should be run once by a single dbt user. This database user must have sufficient permissions to operate on existing archive tables in the database.

Running the migration script

Custom Materializations

This guide assumes that you are using the built-in archive materializationThe exact Data Definition Language (DDL) that dbt will use when creating the model’s equivalent in a data warehouse.. If you are using a custom archive materialization, see the section on "Migrating archives manually" below.

By default, the migration script will not make any changes to your project or database. Instead, it will report on the changes that should be made to migrate your archives to snapshots. To run the migration script in dry-run mode, execute:

$ dbt snapshot-migrate --from-archive

Example output:

$ dbt snapshot-migrate --from-archive
Running with dbt=0.14.0
Found 1 archive to migrate

Archive 1 of 1: "analytics"."archived"."orders_archived"
- Skipping migration in dry-run mode
- Skipping new snapshot file in dry-run mode

Re-run this script with `--apply` to apply these migrations

This command will output a list of archive tables that should be migrated. After verifying the list of archive tables, apply the migration using the --apply flag:

$ dbt snapshot-migrate --from-archive --apply

Example output:

$ dbt snapshot-migrate --from-archive --apply
Running with dbt=0.14.0
Found 1 archive to migrate

Archive 1 of 1: "analytics"."archived"."orders_archived"
- Starting table migration
- Backing up table to "analytics"."archived"."orders_archived_dbt_archive_migration_backup"
- Finished table migration
- Wrote new snapshot file to snapshots/orders_archived.sql

The following backup tables were created:
- "analytics"."archived"."orders_archived_dbt_archive_migration_backup"

The following snapshot files were created:
- snapshots/orders_archived.sql

After verifying the migrated tables in the database, please drop the backup
tables and remove any archive configs from your dbt_project.yml file.

If this step succeeds, then congratulations! Your archives have been migrated to snapshots.

Completing your migration

After running the script above, it is important to validate the data in your new snapshot tables. Query the snapshot tables to ensure that they exist and feature meta-columns with dbt_ prefixes.

Next, inspect the new snapshots in your snapshots/ directory. There should be one snapshot file per archive that exists in your project. If these snapshot files are present and valid, then you can delete the archive: section from your dbt_project.yml file.

When you are confident that the migration has completed successfully, you can manually delete the backup tables in your archived schema(s). These backup tables will be suffixed with _dbt_archive_migration_backup.

Snapshots participate in the dbt graph, so feel free to replace any schema.table references in your model code with {{ ref('archive_name') }}. You may also need to make changes to downstream models or reports to account for the changes to your snapshot meta-column names. Consult the snapshot docs for full usage instructions.

If you are unable to use the archive migration script, you can instead migrate your archives to snapshots manually. The exact steps required to migrate archives to snapshots vary by database, but broadly, you'll need to rename the archive meta-columns in accordance with the migration table above. Example migration queries (using postgres syntax):

alter table archived.orders_archived rename "valid_from" to dbt_valid_from;
alter table archived.orders_archived rename "valid_to" to dbt_valid_to;
alter table archived.orders_archived rename "scd_id" to dbt_scd_id;

Upgrading the generate_schema_name signature

In dbt v0.14.0, the generate_schema_name macro signature was changed to accept a second argument, node. For more information on the new node argument, consulting the documentation for using custom schemas.

Existing one-argument implementations of generate_schema_name macros are still supported, but support for this form of the macro will be dropped in a future release. If you currently have a one-argument version of this macro, you will see a warning when you run your dbt project.

Example Warning

As of dbt v0.14.0, the `generate_schema_name` macro accepts a second "node"
argument. The one-argument form of `generate_schema_name` is deprecated, and
will become unsupported in a future release


To upgrade this macro (and suppress this warning), add a second argument, node, to your generate_schema_name macro.

{% macro generate_schema_name(schema_name, node) -%}
... your logic here ...
{%- endmacro %}

Non-Destructive runs

The --non-destructive flag was removed from dbt in v0.14.0. This flag existed as a workaround for the lack of late-binding viewsA view (as opposed to a table) is a defined passthrough SQL query that can be run against a database (or data warehouse). in Amazon Redshift. With the introduction of the with no schema binding clause for Redshift views, non-destructive runs are no longer necessary.

The --non-destructive flag was problematic for a few reasons:

  1. It used a truncate statement which committed the existing transaction. This means that non-destructive runs were not atomic, and errors in a model build could leave you with empty tables!
  2. It made the dbt's materializations incredibly complicated and hard to maintain
  3. It skipped building views entirely, which is rarely desirable
  4. It failed in tricky and pernicious ways when columns were added or removed from table models

Snowflake, BigQuery, SparkSQL, and Presto users should be unaffected by this change as there is limited merit to using the --non-destructive flag on these databases.

Redshift users should consider using the bind: false config to instruct dbt to create unbound views.

Postgres users should ensure that they use table or incremental models for relations which are queried by end-users.

Snowflake Incremental Model Changes

In dbt v0.14.0, the implementation of incremental models on Snowflake has changed. By default, dbt will use a merge statement to atomically upsert records into a tableIn simplest terms, a table is the direct storage of data in rows and columns. Think excel sheet with raw values in each of the cells. incrementally. Previous versions of dbt used a two-step delete+insert approach to upsert data.

The merge statement requires that records participating in the upsert are unique. If these records are not unique, then the statement will fail with a "nondeterministic merge" error. If you see this error after upgrading to 0.14.0, you can resolve it in one of two ways:

  1. Modify your model query logic to ensure that the specified unique_key parameter is indeed unique
  2. Set the incremental_strategy config to delete+insert to continue using the previous two-step incremental approach

The incremental_strategy config can be set in your dbt_project.yml file (if you want to apply this config to all models), or it can be applied in specific models where required.

Configuring the incremental_strategy for all models:

# Your dbt_project.yml file

incremental_strategy: "delete+insert"

Configuring the incremental_strategy for a single model:



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